Monday, March 2, 2020

No Shared Narrative

Mostly a waste of time doing a biased comparison of Trump and Sanders. Conclusion, Trump and his supporters are dangerous and deluded. There are "similarities", as in "bucking the party elite", but of course if you are the WaPo, socialism is perfectly reasonable -- and if they are fully successful, you will be FORCED to agree! (it's for your own good!)

"At a time when there’s no real dominant ideology which can unite people,” historian Michael Kazin said, “it’s not surprising that people sort of go into their separate camps and find solace and comfort.”
Yes, there once was a time when loving God, not making earthly ideologies and material your god, honoring your father and mother, not killing the vulnerable (as in abortion and infanticide), adultery (an form of sex outside of marriage of one man to one woman), etc were considered to be absolutely WRONG.

Today, it is all a question of power ... as in my narrative is as good as your narrative.

The cost of having no shared narrative is tribalism ... we already knew that!

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