Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Glaciers, Government, Gas


The government took your tax dollars sometime prior to 2010 warning you that the glaciers you were looking at would be gone by 2020. Remember, some version of "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" is SETTLED!

My view is that what is "settled" is that humans are susceptible to marketing! 

Now government is taking your tax dollars to take the signs down as the glaciers they advertised as being gone by 2020 are 60% still there. Nature often fails to comply with government mandates. What's more, the government is complaining that they didn't get enough funding to correct their error! It is enough to bring a tear to your eye.

This is why you can’t trust a federal employee to do anything. If these people were still in charge of the internet, every January 1 you’d have to send a money order and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the federal office of grain management, spotted-owl preservation and information services, in Pueblo, Colo., to pay for your Internet access license to be renewed.

Actually I think you CAN trust them to make increasing demands for money and control over your life, ever increasing invasion of your privacy, and ever increasing limits on your ability to make any complaints about it!

What? You mean that even though promised the opposite by the great Obama -- if you liked your health insurance, you weren't able to keep it? Fracking actually did make the US energy independent even though we were assured it would not?

There is a never ending litany of the "experts" being certain, and completely wrong. How many people have the common sense awareness to notice that killing Iranian head terrorist Solemani barely caused a blip in US gas prices  (he met his virgins Jan 3). Those of us old enough to remember the bad old days prior to fracking know that an action like that would have kicked the pump prices up a good .50 to a buck!

If you think a bit independently and somewhat  rationally, you KNOW that there is NO WAY the Russians would want Trump rather than Hillary to win! They are a huge energy producer, and US oil dependency vastly reduced US global power. (and the Russians invested heavily to discourage fracking -- duh) ... if Hillary had been elected, fracking in the US would have been crippled! Advantage Moscow!

I can imagine they put some token money in US elections in order to diminish faith in the US electoral process (mission accomplished!), but to want Hillary to win? Not in this universe.

One could suspect that even if a full Democrat government takes over ... House, Senate, President, SCOTUS, Deep State, etc, that college and healthcare may not actually be free, free, free! ... although one could easily expect that it might be "hate speech" to point that out!

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