The top link is a Guardian article that is so even handed that it almost fails to say anything -- it does realize the obvious, a) There is and has been a Deep State for a long time b). Trump is fighting back against them. Beyond that, it assumes that the Russian connection with Trump MIGHT be legit, however is concerned by the following ...
Ok, so we know the obvious -- the Deep State is made up of a bunch of Democrats who don't like Trump, so they are working like crazy in the open to discredit him.
The comparison is plausible in light of the extensive efforts soon after the election to encourage the bureaucracy, including the intelligence bureaucracy, to resist the Trump administration, and the evidence that there was in some agencies such resistance.
But while Hoover did many awful things in quiet, neither during his reign nor at any other time in American history have we seen such a profusion of sensitive leaks from the deep state with such an overtly political aim to bring down senior leadership.
The PROBLEM from my POV is WHY would the Russians have wanted Trump in the White House? The second link tells us another obvious point -- Russia is a huge energy producer and they HATE competition! They have been working around the globe for a LONG time to prevent the use of fracking ... spending millions (likely hundreds of millions) to do what they can to prevent the use of this technique which lowers the price of energy, which is BAD for Russia!
According to the reports, entities connected to the Russian government are using a shell company registered in Bermuda, Klein Ltd. (Klein), to funnel tens of millions of dollars to a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) private foundation, the Sea Change Foundation (Sea Change). This money appears to move in the form of anonymous donations. Sea Change then passes the money originating in Russia to various U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations such as the Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, and others. These funds are dispersed as grants that will be used to execute a political agenda driven by Russian entities. The purpose of this circuitous exchange of foreign funds is to shield the source of the money.Russia has been working through organizations to help elect DEMOCRATS for a long time because DEMOCRATS tend to oppose anything that allows the US to produce any energy. It's a "win/win" ... prevent the US from competing with Russia, AND weaken the ability of the US to operate militarily (solar powered fighter planes and aircraft carriers are a LONG way off).
Super bonus! Pay 10's of millions of dollars directly to the Clinton Crime Family to lock up 20% of the N American urainium reserves!
I'm fully willing to assume that the Russians are incompetent as well, however they are REALLY incompetent if they are paying 10's of millions of dollars both DIRECTLY to the Clinton Crime Family, AND to organizations that oppose fracking, and THEN, turning around and deciding that they want to "rig the election" to get PRO fracking Trump elected. Seriously?
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