Monday, January 13, 2020

Bloomberg, Money, Beat Trump

I still think there is a high chance of Michelle Obama as our next president, however, the WaPo is thinking Bloomberg terminal.

If it isn't clear to you by now that the ONLY agenda of the left is POWER, and this article doesn't make that really really crystal clear, then it might be good to ask a few questions of yourself:

  1. Am I actually a person of the left even if I'm sure I'm not?  Perhaps you have gotten confused as to what the left really is. It's not hard to imagine, there has been a massive attempt to confuse you since WWII.
  2. Have I become Totally Tribal (TT), where "Winning Is The Only Thing", and the means, the methods, etc make no difference? 
  3. Have I confused politics with morality, or possibly even worse, mere Virtue Signalling? 
We could go on ... suffice to say, all the left preening about "money in politics" is just that, preening. 

What people don’t yet seem to have grasped is this: Bloomberg is going to spend an astronomical amount of money on this race. Probably at least $1 billion. Maybe twice that. Possibly even more. Numbers like that upend every model of every presidential race in history. He can buy every news adjacency on cable and local television stations from now until November and not make a dent in his net worth. U.S. politics has never seen such financial throw weight in a presidential campaign.
And, the left is FINE WITH THAT! More than "fine", they APPLAUD it! The only money they want to limit (even prohibit) is money that doesn't agree with them ... see "hate speech", "racist speech", "homophobic speech", "sexist speech", "white privilege", etc ... In a mass media society, money = speech!

The forces of the left ... Deep State, MSM, big business, etc were completely certain that Hillary would win, and they had "insurance" (illegal investigation, Russiagate, stuffed ballot boxes, Undocumented Democrats (Illegal Aliens), etc),  The insurance worked well enough to bog Trump down in 2 years of investigations, which in concert with Deep State rebellion (slow walk of his policies by bureaucracy, judicial appeals / blocks, etc) made it AMAZING that he was able to get the tax and business reform to re-ignite the economy through in spite of the opposition.

The gloves are off however ... again, I still think Michelle is their best shot, however the real strings continue to be pulled by the global elite ... an old post on this which is likely much worse now. It is they who will make the decision -- and the thin reed to prevent their even more complete takeover is TRUMP -- flawed, but incredibly resilient and effective!

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